

Providing ways to keep you moving forward even through the toughest parts of being human. Browse my resources for Adults. For Children. For Everyone Who Wants To Learn How To Live Their Best Life.

Free Training

An Introduction to Simple Mindfulness Practices Workshop

A free mini-workshop on simple mindfulness practices that you can incorporate into your daily life. We talk about what mindfulness is, our inherent negativity bias, how to have a formal mindfulness practice, and we lay out three informal practices that you can do anywhere.

Guided Meditation – Counting the Breath

A simple guided meditation. Clearing your mind isn’t always easy but I’m here to guide you. We’ll use the breath to encourage mindfulness. Set aside 15 minutes and let’s get started.


living nature

Living Nature: A 30-Day Journal to Help Us Return to Our Roots

30 days of mindfulness

30 Days of Mindfulness: A Complete Introduction to Mindfulness as a Practice, a Discipline, and a Lifestyle.

FREE! Ultimate Anxiety Taming Bundle

Understand, minimize, and tame anxiety to create the life you love and the success you crave.

What you’ll get:

  • Understand that anxiety makes sense
  • Change your relationship with anxiety
  • Take an honest look at the things you do and how they impact anxiety
  • Concrete interventions for times of distress