Unlock the doors to your success and take your career to the next level.

Unlock the doors to your success and take your career to the next level.
Hi, I’m James Henson.
I was once a troubled teen on the verge of a life behind bars or worse, but I turned my life
around and now stand before you as a successful therapist and coach. I specialize in helping
business owners and executives elevate their careers using my unique method “Walk Through
Open Doors.”
Find the right opportunities while avoiding the traps of closed doors.
Let me help you embrace the opportunities that align with your passions and resources and watch your potential soar. With my coaching, you’ll get a concrete, applicable, and actionable plan whether you’re looking for a few sessions or on-going support.

Living Nature: A 30-Day Journal to Help Us Return to Our Roots

30 Days of Mindfulness:
A Complete Introduction to Mindfulness
as a Practice, a Discipline, and a Lifestyle.
Browse my latest works.
Browse my latest works.

Living Nature: A 30-Day Journal to Help Us Return to Our Roots

30 Days of Mindfulness:
A Complete Introduction to Mindfulness
as a Practice, a Discipline, and a Lifestyle.
On The Blog
Check out my latest posts.
How to Meditate: A Complete Beginner’s Guide to Mindfulness and Focus
Learn how to meditate with this complete beginner’s guide. Discover meditation techniques, posture tips, and how to train your mind for focus and clarity.
When Being Nice Isn’t Nice
When Being Nice Isn't Nice Nice is an icky word (having been a counselor for close to a decade now, I've learned that "icky" is often the only appropriate word for things). Niceness, in general, can often be icky. We use nice to describe things that aren't good or...
Lessons from 2020
Lessons from 2020 I don't have a desire to do the whole end-of-the-year accomplishments thing in 2020. If you’ve followed the blog or podcast this year, or if you follow me on Instagram, you know that 2020 has not been as difficult for my family and me as it has for...
Are you ready to stop feeling stuck and start elevating your career?
Take the steps today to never miss an opportunity again, bridge the gap between big aspirations, and take actionable steps today to get closer to your ultimate goal.