Brain Chemicals and Broken Friendships

I don’t really remember my first crush.

I know I had some crushes in High School, but I also remember feeling a little off because I never felt them as intensely as other kids did. One girlfriend broke up with me because I “wasn’t really there” and years later another girl dumped me because I was “this little ball of nothing”. I was quite the ladies’ man. This goes back into the whole idea of me being a little broken for most of my life. Maybe weird is a better word.


I do know one thing.

The first time I experienced that overwhelming “being in love” feeling where all I could think about was that one person and everything in my world began and ended with them, was Barbara.

I know, I’m so sweet!

Keep reading…

It was pretty cool, except that grad school faded into the background and was almost forgotten and I was slacking off on everything I should have been doing.

And, I was dating someone else at the time. And, they were one of my oldest friends and they hadn’t done anything wrong to me. They had only been really cool and great to date and were flying into Lubbock every few weekends to see me.

I know, I really suck!

Told you to keep reading.

It is one of the few things I really regret, and that is saying something with some of the shit I’ve pulled. For the record, B didn’t know. Not because I didn’t mention it on purpose, but because it honestly slipped my mind in the chemical bath of infatuation and being in love.

Here’s the complicated part: I really regret how I handled it, but, seeing as how we’ve been together for 10 years now and Max is sitting next to me quoting Zootopia, I cannot say I would change it. I would change how I let them know (or, I would let them know before they found out on Myspace). I would have shown them more respect and I would have addressed it directly.

I can honestly say I did not avoid it intentionally, I was just so caught up in the rush of being in love, that it fell by the wayside, as terrible as that is to say. This is not a reflection on that other person, but on my own immaturity and self-absorption.

Yep, do the math – I was still “that guy” at the age of 28. I just made a note to do a blog on chronic emotional immaturity.

Anyway, I wish it had been different.

Anytime we aren’t behaving mindfully and thinking of others, people get hurt.

This friendship has never been repaired, and probably never will. I did apologize, but one of the sad facts about this real world that Hollywood and Nicholas Sparks miss is that apologies don’t always fix things.

Just because you are sorry doesn’t mean you didn’t do what you did.

This is why a mindful intention about what we do and don’t do is so important. Because of pride, it took me a long time to become a person who apologizes for any of the things they do, now my job is to become someone who doesn’t have to apologize as often.

I’m working on it.


Man, thank you for the questions and ideas! I knew y’all were all smarter and more creative than me.

This one makes me nervous and icky, I don’t feel like I have any business offering an opinion on it, and I hope no one really cares what I think. Let’s get it out of the way. Smashing together multiple questions might sound like this:

“Knowing your politics over the years, I am surprised you are not more bothered by Trump winning. What gives?”

This is a valid question. (criticism?)

This is also where my detached perspective either helps me or damages my integrity, depending on which side of the political spectrum you are on.

I am troubled by Trump, but I was troubled by Clinton, and I was troubled by this election in general. It made me sad to see how both sides absolutely ridiculed the other for being so utterly stupid as to support their candidate, but I think Trump supporters took the brunt of this from the media, social media and pundits.

Trump’s rise has been compared to Hitler’s, but we have invoked this name so often over the past 16 years that it doesn’t mean anything anymore. Also, he seems closer to Mussolini to me.

The thing is, Hitler and Mussolini and Trump and Obama were all reactions to different things, just like so many other world leaders.

When we are doing things in reaction instead of with intention, things go wrong.

Our outrage culture (which is a characteristic of both sides of the political spectrum and covers all ages, not just the left or millennials) has led to this. Everything is a crisis, everything is offensive, everything is an outrage, so of course we have candidates that reflect that. Trump is the end result of a smugly condescending Left that believes that anyone who doesn’t automatically buy into what it wants them to buy into is a homophobic, Islamaphobic, transphobic, racist, sexist, ableist, privileged, ignorant, Bible-toting and gun-clinging CIS shitlord.

So, Trump makes sense, and that is really sad to me.

I am bothered by Trump. I have friends and family and neighbors and clients in all the categories of people he has maligned or straight up threatened. I work with populations that may legitimately have something to fear from him. The wife I talk so much about is Mexican, my son who I would do anything for is half. I believe in free speech above all else, and there is nothing I fear more than theocracy in any form. If I am honest, my greatest fear in this is Trump being impeached or assassinated, leaving us with Pence in charge.

All that being said, this is what we get when we think everyone who believes differently than us is a moron.

This is what we get when we live in the echo chamber of the internet and are able to cultivate our environment to only support our perspectives. I know some very smart, civically minded, compassionate people who voted for Trump, and I know some very smart, civically minded, compassionate people who voted for Clinton. I know some less-intelligent, insulated, fearful, xenophobic, fragile people who voted for Trump, and I know some less-intelligent, insulated, fearful, xenophobic, fragile people who voted for Clinton. I can understand where each side is coming from, even if I don’t agree.

So, I have fears about Trump, but I see no reason to paint everyone who voted for him as the enemy.

If I am honest, there were a few areas that Clinton scared me just as much, but I see no reason to paint her supporters as the enemy. What both sides want and voted for makes sense to them, they are rational actors and it is not my place to assess or malign their entire character over it. I am hoping for the best, but this is a very wary hope.

The fact that I am not coming down squarely on one side or the other will make some people think I am foolish or soft or a racist or a “cuck”, and this, in my mind, is a central part of the problem. I do not mind taking a stand on things, this election did not provide me a clear place to stand.

In the end, one stand I very willing to take is to say that I will not let the election of anyone force me into a place of hating other humans.

I would have said the same if Clinton or Sanders or Johnson or Harambe had won. Nothing has changed as far as how I feel about individual people.

I love you all, and who you voted for and why you voted for them or what you think of me not loving or hating either candidate cannot change that.

I support your right to believe in things I hate, and your right to try to make those things a reality. I support my right to fight you on them, but I also support my right to love you while we disagree. I will say the same in 4, 8, 12 and 16 years if we make that far.

Living and Breathing

“Because my life is dope and I do dope shit.”

Kanye West, as quoted by Dave Chapelle.

That is honestly one of my favorite quotes ever. Look up the video to see why Jimmy Fallon is one of my least favorite people ever. So fake.

Another question, we are coming up on the end of them. Last one about how awesome life is for a while, I promise.

Why do you choose to keep living and breathing every day?

Funny story: Years back, I would spend every New Year’s Eve alone, deciding if it was worth it live another year, sort of deciding if I had earned it. Every year I found reasons. Things I had accomplished, things I was hoping to accomplish, the fact that Tyler actually seemed to need me and liked having me around. At some point I let go of this practice, and simply accepted I would live through the next year unless something else killed me. It just wouldn’t be me.

I switched this out with the idea that one day I would kill myself after I had outlived everyone I loved and cared about. With some of the choices I make from time to time I have no idea why I assumed I would outlive anyone, but I figured I would and then I would kill myself.

All of this is way behind me now. I have no intention of ever killing myself, under any circumstances. Life is too cool.

That is really the only way I have to answer the question of why I choose to keep living and breathing every day. Life is cool.

I would live forever if it was offered to me, and I do not think I would ever get bored.

Every day is something new, a new opportunity to learn, a new chance to meet people, nothing has ever been repeated, ever. It’s all original. We make the mistake of thinking we do the same things, but we don’t. It’s all brand new.

I think it is a tragedy every time a life ends. A window on a thoroughly unique, unrepeatable experience closes forever, and it takes so much with it. Even the worst people on the planet have an inner world that matters to them, and if we lived in it with them we would understand why they are terrible. The loss of life has begun bothering me enough I find myself consciously avoiding clicking on certain articles and even avoiding some topics entirely.

I have this right now, and that is enough for me. I love it.

Life is dope. Do dope shit.

More Whys

This was originally meant for yesterday, but the election cancelled it out. There are some similarities. Sorry not sorry.

Why do you choose to look at the positive?

This is another one of the questions I’ve referenced in the last few days, but it is also one I get a lot. I’ve had people accuse me of ignoring reality, of being oblivious, and of having a life that must be too easy because that’s the only way someone could have such a “dumbass attitude” about things.

Maybe these are all true.

As far as my conscious reasons for it, I look at the positive because I lived in the negative for many years and it got me nowhere.

I saw the bad in everything and everyone, including myself, and it made the world seem very dark and hopeless. I got what I expected. Every. Single. Day.

So, I look at the positive because whatever we dedicate our attention to is what we get.

Here’s the important thing: I didn’t start looking at the positive once my life turned around, my life turned around because I focused my attention on the positive.

I don’t care if you want to call it The Law of Attraction or The Secret or P.M.A. or Naming and Claiming or you want to go the logical route and call it Common Sense, but wherever your attention rests most often is what is going to dominate your thinking. What dominates our thinking becomes our life.

I look at the positive because my work pulls me in the other direction, and people need me to be clear and coherent and to offer an alternative to the narrative they are living in. My work would probably drag me down pretty quickly without it.

More than anything though, I focus on the positive because it is most closely aligned with reality.

As I’ve blogged about an a few occasions, when we count everything that goes right each day, we quickly see that it far outweighs the wrong. It goes beyond this too: a vast, vast majority of everything that happens, happens without any conscious input or action from us, and everything is still going well. Birds fly and the sun rises and it rains and air is breathable and the planets stay where they are supposed to and the sun makes plants grow and the earth spins the way it is supposed to and gravity works and all of that stuff. And none of us have a single thing to do with it. That’s kind of cool.

So, I focus on the positive because it is beneficial and because it is real.

We have a cognitive bias toward the negative or harmful, and I choose to remain aware that this is a bias and little more.

It works for me.

Gravity Still Works

“In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.”

Robert Frost

I actually pre-wrote my blog for the first time yesterday so I could avoid the inevitable dumpster fire of the internet and Facebook as much as possible today, but with some online responses I have seen and a few texts I’ve gotten, I figured I would go ahead and wade in.

The sad part, to me, is that I probably would have been writing this no matter who won, just for a different audience.

The sun will rise today, from the same direction.

It will warm the earth and make plants grow and make us healthy in the same way it always has.

Gravity will keep us firmly on the ground, and I will be surprised if even a single person is flung off into space. If this happens, it may at least provide us a distraction from what is sure to be incessant news coverage and analysis and blaming.

The mountains will still be where they have been for millennia, the ocean will still make waves and give fish a place to live, and the moon will still be above us.

Jupiter will still be out there blocking space debris, and plants will still be here making oxygen for us.

Your family is still your family; your life is still your life.

If you let this election divide you from your friends, this is a great chance to try and make that right.

I’m not blind, and as hard as I try not to be, I am fairly up to date on current events. I read a lot of history and I try to be somewhat well informed in this respect, so I see the scary implications that this carries. I get the fear and the heartbreak and the mistrust this all engenders, but if you look outside your window, the trees are still there and the sky is still blue, even if only up above the clouds where you can’t see it.

Decisions made from fear don’t get us anywhere, and only bring more trouble.

Believing the narrative of division we’ve been soaked in for so long now only makes it real, and helps it grow.

Love your family, love your friends and go out of your way to take care of people you don’t know, especially if they look or believe differently from you.

Don’t give in to hate and fear and isolation and all the things that got us to this exact moment in time.

The grass will still grow, snow will still fall, just breathe. Make a decision from there.

We can get caught up in how bad things are, or we can try to make them better.

Not both.